Lampung, 21 April 2022, EWINDO is not only focusing on women farmers but also on traders and entrepreneurs that involve in the horticulture agribusiness chain supply. In the talk show to commemorate Kartini Day entitled “Great Women Role in Achieving Indonesia Agriculture” in Lampung 21st of April 2022, EWINDO opened a discussion opened by Commercial Director, Ganesh Pamugar Satyagraha and General Manager Corporate Affairs, Fransiska Fortuna as the show moderator. The show invited several speakers from different backgrounds such as a woman farmer, Desmalia, Warsini gluten corn trader, and Misbahul Umam as seeds distributor. They shared their stories about how they choose the agriculture field as their main job background. From the discussion, they highlighted the fewer women who choose profession in agriculture as their main job. In the current condition, women do not have many options to choose agriculture because they are stuck with the economy or education status. Therefore, all of the speakers agreed to face this challenge women need to have good support, especially the training in good agriculture practice and entrepreneurship skills.
Managing Director EWINDO, Glenn Pardede believes that women are playing a significant role in supporting Food Resilient and Food Security starting from family to the country. In this case, EWINDO gives more attention to the women who support agriculture by giving training and related program.
Not only focus on the agriculture business but EWINDO also gives opportunities to women who support the seed production for more than 30.000-woman pollinators work to support EWINDO in producing high-quality seeds in East Java, West Java, and the Banten area. The women's role in EWINDO was also placed in several positions such as in-field team, researchers, and management. EWINDO hopes that by giving their best interest in women's roles, women are able to have access to better opportunities, and lastly, they can contribute to support a better welfare and sustainability business aspect.